
Showing posts from May, 2020

Year Summary Blog Post

My favorite part of the class year was creating the pendulum project, I enjoyed having a good opportunity to be creative and see what everyone who had the same keyframes, had created and how different they all were from each other. I learned most about 3D animation because coming into this course I knew about basic modeling but almost nothing about animation There was not much that I would say I did not like this year and I realize all of what we did was essential to the course, however I would say my least favorite thing to do was video editing on our finished animations just because it had a lot of steps and confused me

12 principals of animation

12 Principals of Animation Squash and stretch when animating the movement of an object you must change how long or flat they are at different points in movement. This tells us the speed, momentum, weight and, mass of an object. When you do this however you must not change the original mass of the object, this would be unrealistic.,topicNumber=d28e12829 2. Anticipation Before any character does an action they must do something to prepare for it like crouching before a jump, this makes it more realistic and lead the audience to what might happen next. this can have multiple levels showing how powerful the movement is. 3. staging  Staging is telling the audience what they should be focusing on in a scene and emphasizing ideas for them to...

charcter rigging progress
