End of Mp3 blog post
Intention Definition and exploration of ideas
I started by solving the problems that I had already with my fire which was that I needed to add a texture to it so it would appear in my final rendered animations. I finally got it looking good but because mantaflow simulations are so weird I could duplicate it and although I eventually did figure it out I could not load a very good-looking fire simulation in the final product and have many of them without causing a lot of lag.
The other thing important in the scene I was creating was destroying my temple which I would do with the cell fracture that I had experimented with earlier.
sadly I should have made my temple with destroying it in mind because somehow along the way I ended up with a lot of weird shapes and duplicate faces in my temple that made the cell fracture not work in addition to the fact that the cell fracture would randomly make some fragments larger. I eventually fixed my temple and got successful fragments.
I do not have much new information to add to this section because I am still working on the same animation based on the same ideas as last time. I picked the sacred realm as my theme of art and since then I decided to make a full animation of a sacrificial procedure that inevitably fails. the scene that I decided to work on was the very important finishing scene which would have the temple destroyed by the god statue and highlight the irony of the entire situation. the reason I did this is that really I do not know if I will be able to finish the entire thing and I thought this was a scene that for now could stand on its own and it was in general one of the more fun and new things that I was excited to make.
I did not add anything to my planning this marking period but in general, I took an approach to this entire thing with a goal every week and an end goal of completing my destruction scene as well as finally finishing my fire simulation which I had hoped to exceed. Overall most of my planning was done in the first marking period with sketches and a storyboard.
After that, all I had to do was apply physics to all of my fragments and objects which took a long time because to get my simulation crumbling at the moment it got hit I had to individually go into all of them and apply a keyframe. after applying physics to all of my other objects and animating my statue falling I got it looking very good. finally, I rendered my animation which took hours and was very annoying to do because it would often not turn out well.
My Destruction Scene in solid view
My destruction scene in Rendered View
I am disappointed that I may not be able to finish the entire animation that I had written a storyboard for among other things at the beginning of this year but I am still glad that I was able to complete what I did and get an animated scene this marking period rather than the setup, and whether or not it shows I do think I worked efficiently on this project for the most part
During this marking period, I did procrastinate on working way less and I think that is because I gave myself more of a weekly plan for what I needed to get done on Monday and worked until I either had it or had major problems. What I think I need to work on this marking period is that when I have problems sometimes I put them aside and work on something else which is not a bad idea but this leads me to take longer when I come back to them and then if I run into problems with the other part that I am working on it is really discouraging. And finally, I need to plan for lag because I kept adding fire simulations cell fragments and textures that all caused a considerable amount of lag at times which makes it hard to work.
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