Response Blog Post


Caleb Underkoffler

Caleb was the only other person who I got to see present a digital modeling presentation and I was glad to see someone else's work and sort of judge where I am at. Sadly I never got to do the character design in my digital modeling 1 class so the majority of the process that Caleb went through for this marking period I can not comment on, but it is very good to see that he has used reference images and made a sketch of his character before working on this because I imagine without that sort of planning it would have been very difficult to complete. I cannot wait to see his character in full costume and hopefully animated, I think it is a very cool concept and I would love to see it in action as I am sure Caleb would as well. Also, I do remember rigging models and how long it took so I think Mr. Bomboy's suggestion of using the website (I forget the name) was very good and for the rest of my project, I may also do it. 

Zachary Willard

Zach's film had some incredible shots and as Mr. Bomboy pointed out after we watched it a lot of principles like the informal balance made them deeply meaningful with every shot which is especially important in a monochrome film. On top of that the film was funny throughout the entire time and I think it contained things that are very relatable and true. I can see that he consistently puts good planning into his work and the editing on this where he duplicates himself and puts them in the same frame was very clean. This is a fantastic film, overall I really enjoyed watching it for some reasons that probably only other film students could explain.

Issac Monteny 

I think Issac made a good choice in making a more serious film this marking period, Which is not to say that I do not enjoy his comedy but I think he would agree that branching out and trying something different was in essence a good idea. The film had some very interesting camera angles that made it anything but bland and I think Issac achieved a pretty good overall plot with its own ups and downs. I think he realizes that he needs to work on more planning which I sometimes feel like I could do more of in modeling for my projects as well and other than that just speaking in a more clear voice in some scenes would improve the quality of the film but I understand that it can be hard to judge.


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