
Showing posts from February, 2021

Investigation Blog Post

 This week I worked on the destruction scene in my temple again. Last week cell fracturing my temple did not work and I tried messing with the cell fracture settings but that did not fix it for the temple. Messing with the edges and vertices of my temple is what really solved it there were double edges and some other interior parts that deleting made it look much better   The only other thing I worked on as of this week was animating my statue falling once again to try and complete the destruction scene. weekly work log: Monday:destruction Tuesday:destruction Wednesday:destruction Thursday: Friday:statue animation

Investigation Blog Post

 This week I Worked on preparing my temple to be destroyed as well as putting my fire into my main simulation. I started by trying to cell fracture my  temple however for some reason it would not properly fragment every piece of the temple and some would be left out. I tried changing many of my cell fracture settings to make it work however for the most part nothing seemed to improve. I may also try manually filling in some of the fragments but it would take some time. Trying to figure that out was quite time consuming so I chose to attempt to integrate my fire into my simulation and it actually worked pretty well  They look good and do not seem to make it lag too incredibly bad but I may need to render in in a lower resolution once I get more simulations in although I was able to process 4 after trying. weekly work log Tuesday: Wednesday:cell fracture  thursday:cell fracture friday:fire integration (sorry i did not get too much work done this week. This week was sho...

Investigation blog post

This week I spent time integrating and finishing my fire and animation my lightning striking  the first thing I did was create a final texture for my fire which this time was much more distinct from the video and I thought exactly what I was looking for. I applied it and created animated the flame as a preview after this I attempted to create a different form of the fire that would be good for my fire pits rather than the torches that the original had been intended for and I could change this by changing the size fo the domain. I had some problems because trying to duplicate a mantaflow simulation is impossible and although I did eventually just create a new fire simulation it took me a while to get it perfectly as I wanted it And Finally I decided to position and animate my lightning strikes just to make sure they would look good in my final animation. I think I need to make them emit more light but other than that I think they work well and although it is lagging I screen recorde...

Investigation blog post

 This week I decided to make my fire appear in rendered view, and as it turns out It was as simple as adding a material to my fire simulation and I followed this tutorial to do so.   (I really need to figure out how to emeb videos in my blog) everything started out fine with the tutorial although it was very clear that the fire this guy created was very different in the fact that it had been much lower resolution. either way I was able to get my fire to appear in rendered and continued to work on the nodes from there on. I then successfully got it to appear firelike although to make it look solid I had to tweak the heat and some other factors, it is here that I noticed the nodes we had were slightly different because his math power nodes showed all value while when I changed mine to power it instantly base which was probably difference in blender version but I do not think it caused any trouble.    this is a com...